Friday 19 August 2011


                                      POSSIBLE IMPOSSIBILIITIES.
                                                    "I can't!"
                                                    "Oh yes you can!"
                                                   "I said I can't. I know I can't!"
                                                       "You know what; I've chosen you to do it and no one else"
                                                    "Oh please! I won't do it right!"
                                                 "It's gonna come out during my exhibition."
The work does come out in the exhibition and it steals the show.
                 "I thought you said you couldn't do it?"
                  "Sincerely, when you persisted, something in me just said but it's nothing Jane and I knew I could do it."
Her manager placed a hand on her and said "There are two sides to these things. Either you believe in yourself or someone else believes in you."
                    There's nothing impossible till you've laid your hands on it. In fact in actual sense, there's nothing you can't do. It's very wrong to say "I can't and if you keep on saying that, the greatest opportunity in a lifetime would just pass you by because you've admitted it's too tasky for you and you just can't take the challenge. If you don't pick up that challenge then you’ve just proven yourself to be a coward. Do whatever you can do bearing in mind that whatever you’re doing is what doing well. So don’t let fear kill you and turn you into something you’re not. If you don’t know how to believe in yourself then forget about greatness because now, are days when people have become self reliant and have lost confidence in others and so you have to make them believe that you can do it. That will only be possible when you believe in yourself.
            Being great starts from within you. If you believe you’re great inside of you then your greatness will look for every opportunity to come out and that is why even in the word “impossible” lies the word “possible”. The ‘im’ in ‘impossible’ is dependent on you. If you want it, then add it, that’s just how the mechanism works. So from now on, start saying “I can!” “Oh yes I can!” and don’t just say the word, mean it! Insist on it! Believe it! And you’ll find yourself doing what you had once tagged “impossible”.
            After reading this, it’s left to you to decide if you want to keep adding the prefix ‘im’ to the ‘possibility’ you have or not. Through that you’ll get to discover if you’ll say in the end,
                                    “Oh yes! I did it!” I believe in you, believe you can make things possible and believe in yourself too.

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