Wednesday 30 March 2011


Have you ever felt like me doubt it. there are times when you wanna say something and there's this fight within you,shud i say it?...shud i not say it?...oh my gosh it's happening again.I wanna talk about something but i end up writing something else. This is about the third time i'm writing this post.I had clicked on new post with the intention of writing something else but look what I got...just know this wasn't what i intended...but what i wanted to write lies deep inside of me..I just need to let it out or get someone to help that's my problem...i never get anyone to help cos i never let it out...hmph...I hate to talk about myself...I really should just go back to writing ma poems and stories...Life could unfold in different ways to you ,it could appear like a friend, happy family...great job...good friends...comfort...then u'd have wished for nothing better. But when it turns upside down,it just makes it difficult for you standing the right way up.....Life's just like friends,u smile together,at times,she makes you frown and cry and sad...she gives you hope and makes you smile and makes you feel there are no other times,she could just leave you confused and makes u wanna think outside the box while the answer lies in the box, she could make you wanna give in to pressure but u just learn to stand your ground...but just be who you are no matter how close you guys are and how you can't do without her and she without you...and how together u guys make things work..just be who you are...that's exactly who life is-your friend...

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