Saturday 26 March 2011


I had nothing doing during preparatory classes.It was so quiet and ...just uninteresting. Then Lara had this crazy idea of us doing  or writing  just about anything that comes to our head first."Let the game begin"...I was able to make some sense out of the first things than came to my head and instantly i wrote them  down was just imagining what i was thinking on the day I was born...

                                                                MY BIRTH
On a sunday evening
Mouths wagging in disbelief
At my arrival
Hours in the waiting room
Minutes in the theatre
And I was out of that place
where different tubes and tubules
Hung around another like branches
All tied up to me.
Me, sweating profusely
What on earth am I doing here?!
Trying to gain my freedom, my sticky legs hit an opening
I'm happy, it's a passage
And out I came, forcing myself all the way
Free at last!
But still worse problems
All eyes on me, I'm angry
"Everyone close your eyes!"I scream
They don't hear me
You all must be deaf!
What an intrusion on my privacy
Yet they keep on laughing and
everyone keep opening those white enamel-like squares
Though some are brown
How come I don't have them?
Who are they anyway?
And what right have they over
Well my nudity.
It's all unfair and I'm angry;I frown
What the hell is wrong with everybody in here?
They all burst out laughing real hard and murmuring
things like 'crying' 'oh baby!' 'oh my beautiful girl'
Can you imagine?
I hissed and then they started running around
"Get a napkin!" a man calls out
Now I am certain that within these white walls
are people who are mentally derailing.
I fall asleep till the eight day when I am named

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