Sunday 24 April 2011


It was cold and raining and Mother had pneumonia. It was going to take her on anytime. She raised her collar and drew her coat tighter slotting her hands into her pockets.She was shivering.
                          *                                                    *                                                *
         "Lade! Lade!! My God!!!"
Dad was well beyond tears. He quickly lifted her up, carried her into the car and zoomed off.
                           *                                                    *                                                *
    " Somebody! please help me!"
The nurse rushed out to assist Dad. Lade was taken to the emergency unit. Dad sat in the lobby for close to three hours
  "Mr Lamiji Tellar, can I see you in my office now?"
Dad stood up, agitated and followed after the Doctor.
    "Please have a seat."
      " Okay so what's wrong with my baby doc?"
  "Well sir,you have to be a man in situations like this and dedicate everything to making her feel as norrmal as possible."
  "What are you saying Doctor?"
     "what i'm sayin in essence is that..." He adjusted in his seat,paused and sighed."Your daughter has suffered memory loss and some other brain problems that may affect some parts of her body


  1. I'am choked ...what can i say ..just keep it up..i am your super fan...i will always watch out for your new post. xoxoxo

  2. thank you :)... i appreciate that. much love
