Thursday 14 April 2011

Water Baptism at times could be interesting and at other times....boring...either way what makes it fun for me is having my pals make fun of me when I'm deeped into the water...did i say deep?...that word sounds mild,I'll use the word 'emassed" into the,couldn't explain it...aside my friends making fun of  me,it  made me realise I'm not who I used to be...Now,i'm dead to sin and born to Christ...Sometimes I just wonder if I could keep up with this cos my flesh is so responsive to the things around me....I could tell God I'm sorry and the next minute be comitting another sin...did i spell 'comitting' very well?...either way,u understand what I mean don't you?...I just wonder how God's love could be so strong as to cleanse and totally forgive my sins...your sins...and our sins....but He's not human,he does everything one can do it better than He does and I've found no greater joy else where than in being his friend...He's the best thing that has ever happened to me...Sometyms I get shy and feel awkward talking about God and his kingdom cos it just seems so archaic but whatever people may see it as,I love God and that's what matters...

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