Friday 19 August 2011


According to the Advanced English Dictionary, two of the definitions of change put up were a pleasant difference and a result of alteration or modification. But according to this context, the change I'm referring to is making a lasting difference which is actually pleasant against all odds. It becomes a necessity if we want a better Nigeria. This change we're talking about creates a breathing space for everyone; the top officials and the masses inclusive. The change we have been looking for is an embodiment of truth which erases corruption and creates a sincere you. It is a solid evidence of our beauty through embracing our rich culture. This change is creating unity and cordiality, contrary to the enmity we have. This embodiment of truth lies within you. Simply put, the embodiment of truth is what I term the change. It washes away all forms of corruption and vices. It is the good side of you that needs to be free. But you see sometimes we tend to suppress this good part of us and that is why we keep deteriorating, we kill the good will in us, we kill the change in us and project falsehood. In us lies the good and the bad and this is where choice sets in. In actual fact the change we seek is you.
If you want a change in Nigeria, it starts with you. Nelson Mandela was black like me and you. He was black like us but he had a dream to make a change and he started with himself. Barrack Obama said "We are the change we seek, we are all we need; we are all we've been waiting for." And our much cherished Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said "No one will build Nigeria for us, Nigeria will be built by Nigerians.' The change we seek lies on the inside of us. It's just like a lit up candle; if you put it under a table, how does it brighten the dark? For the candle to brighten the dark, it has to brought out and placed on a table or a stand. So, if we want to be the light for people to see, we have to come out of our shell. These leaders I mentioned were once citizens like you and I but what made the difference was the courage they had to bring out what they had on the inside.
            Though making a change in our society may cost you a lot, definitely you'll have critics but cast your mind off them. Nelson was imprisoned for not just two years, not three years; not even ten years but for twenty-seven good years all in a search for freedom which he did achieve in the end. Although there will be stumbling blocks on your way, don't relent. Just believe you can do it. Don't turn your head sideways if not all you'll find around you will be discouragement. Visualize your goal and keep looking at it like you're stretching your hand to get it, you'll find out that even that goal you're aiming at will start magnetizing you to it so long as you remain focused. And after all has been said and done you'll sit back and discover the struggles were worth it after all. And when you turn around, you'll find people hailing you and bearing you shoulder high.
            But today's planning determines tomorrow's success and since you've got all you need on the inside of you, just bring it out. Believe in yourself then you'll believe me when I say you'll get there. After all Goodluck Jonathan completes it all when he said "If I can get here, You can get here!" THAT CHANGE IS YOU.

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